The Campaign for Family-Friendly Trains has welcomed a new train interior concept from transport design consultancy PriestmanGoode that includes space for unfolded prams and pushchairs. The Campaign for Family-Friendly Trains met with PriestmanGoode during the design process to offer feedback and influence the design. The design is being demonstrated in Marylebone Station until Sunday 3rd April to allow members of the public to test the new seats and see the pushchair area.

Alice Delemare Tangpouri from the Campaign for Family-Friendly Trains said:
‘The Proteus concept design from PriestmanGoode has shown that family-friendly rail travel in the UK is entirely possible. To make this vision a reality, train operating companies need to show they can adapt to changing customer needs and put families and other leisure travellers at the centre of their plans.’
Nick Flynn from the Campaign for Family-Friendly Trains said:
‘Parents have often complained that it appears as though no-one involved in the design or specification of trains has ever travelled with young children by train. We were therefore pleased to learn that members of the design team had taken their own children on board a train to discover first hand some of the barriers to train travel for parents with prams and pushchairs’
‘When meeting with PriestmanGoode we emphasised that space for unfolded pushchairs and prams was necessary to avoid parents juggling children as they board, waking up sleeping babies or frantically trying to unfold a pram as they reach their destination, so we are pleased to see that the Proteus concept includes areas for unfolded prams and pushchairs.’
‘Family-friendly train design in the UK is lagging behind European neighbours such as Switzerland, Finland and Germany that offer play areas or dedicated compartments for families on train. This concept shows how Great British Railways can begin to catch up and adapt as leisure travel becomes increasingly important to the railways.’
Notes for editors:
The Campaign for Family-Friendly Trains was set up by frustrated parents who had had disappointing experiences travelling on Britain’s railway with young children. They have met with Train Operating Companies, the Rail Delivery Group as well as Rolling Stock Operating Companies and Train Manufacturers. The campaign’s main requests are:
- dedicated space for unfolded prams on trains
- extension of the seat reservation system to include the space for unfolded prams
- family-friendly toilets that can be used with and by children
- step free access and level boarding
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